If you have been anywhere near a gym or a beach, you ay have seen people walking around with marks from cupping on their backs and probably wondered why they get them done. Well, you’ll have to try for yourself!
Cupping can reduce pain and blood pressure while improving overall circulation. Many people report significant release of muscle tension. Essentially, it is the effects of a deep tissue massage in a much shorter time. Cupping creates a space underneath the skin between the
The traditional technique of fire cupping in which the practitioner heats up the inside of the cup and placed on the body. When the air cools, it condenses and creates a vacuum in which the skin and underlying soft tissue is “stretched.” This action creates space and allows for more blood and lymph to flow freely, as well as allowing for the remodeling of soft tissue and stimulating regeneration of blood vessels. The practice of cupping also pulls metabolic waste (toxins) out of the soft tissue to the surface to be eliminated.
Cupping combined with motion in not recommended in Traditional Chinese Medicine, as it is an aggressive therapy that may add further damage to the soft tissue- it’s the equivalent to “overstretching.”